But it’s the deception behind the colour that’s the real issue here. What colour would you like your salmon today? Image: hapacobo / Instagramĭon’t worry, that salmon you had for lunch is more than likely just that – salmon. It’s also less likely to leave you with that horrendously bitter aftertaste. But how do you know whether you’ve tried the real thing? For starters, traditional Japanese wasabi is freshly grated, and slightly pricier than your average takeaway sauce – it comes in at anywhere up to a scorching $100 a pound. Many takeaway places actually use a substitute wasabi that’s made up of ingredients including, uh, mustard, horseradish and green food colouring. Wasabi is a very acquired taste, but if you think you like the green stuff you might want to check that what you’ve eaten in the past is actually the real thing. Wasabi, or not to be? Image: bougassa1500 / Instagram

How much have you been paying for your wasabi? If it doesn’t, they need to refer to themselves as alternatives such as ‘cheese products’ or ‘singles’ to get around any rule breaking.ģ. In order to legitimately refer to their product as ‘cheese’, companies must ensure that the ratio of real cheese far exceeds any artificial ingredients. But chances are that slither of plastic-style cheese you like to sink your teeth into isn’t actually cheese at all. There’s something about processed cheese which is so satisfying in a burger. This one confirms what you’ve secretly known all along… The packaging will usually say that ‘imitation blueberries’ are being used, but you may need to put your strongest glasses on to catch it in the tiny fine print…Ģ. Some companies like to replace blueberries with their very own creations: usually a mix of dextrose, flour, cellulose gum and lots of artificial coloured dyes. But, judging by the fact of what’s commonly used instead of blueberries, we might want to rethink this mentality… If you’re anything like me, you probably pick up blueberry muffins as a ‘healthier’ alternative to chocolate muffins. Make your own muffins for guaranteed blueberry goodness. Do your blueberry muffins ACTUALLY count as one of your five-a-day?

While you chow down on delicious foods, the reality is that you’re often eating nothing more than just a handful of processed ingredients, food colourings, and some chemicals that virtually no one can pronounce.ġ. But sugar is so sneaky! This list is super helpful in identifying all the sneaky ways sugar may be sneaking in your diet: brown rice syrup, cane juice, caramel, carob syrup, chocolate syrup, cinnamon sugar, coarse sugar, coconut sugar, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, date syrup, demerara, dextran, Dextrose, diastatic malt, diatase, disaccharide, erythritol, ethyl maltol, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, fruit syrup, galactose, glucose, glucose solids, glycerol, golden brown sugar, golden caster sugar, golden icing sugar, golden sugar, golden syrup, granulated sugar, grape sugar, grape sweetener, high-fructose corn syrup, high-maltose corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, levulose, malt, malt extract, maltose, mannitol, molasses, monosaccharide, refiner’s syrup, rice extract, sorbitol, and sucrose.The food industry is awash with subtle tricks of the trade designed to fool you and your tastebuds. Why go halfway? Well, for some, it's not intentional - they fully intend to "climb the mountain" and fully get over sugar addiction.